Saturday, August 4, 2007

Tyer - How does it work?

Bob Jaques was going on at Comic-Con about how he's been still-framing Jim Tyer's animation lately... Frame by frame, his stuff really shouldn't work, but at normal speed, it's perfect. How did Tyer do it? Maybe we'll never know...

Here's a hilarious piece from "The Cat's Tale" (1952). Let's look at this all frame-by-frame...

Those are some hilarious drawings, but geez, it's all over the place... Now let's see the whole thing in action...

Wow, that is some awesome work! How did Tyer manage to pull that off? Maybe he was a descendant of Merlin or something. I'd love to do a new animated short in the Tyer fashion. Heck, maybe even a whole animated feature!

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