Inspired by Kevin Langley's post on Pat Matthews, I thought I'd put together this tribute video of scenes animated by John Gentilella ("Johnny Gent") at Famous Studios. As noted in the past, he was highly regarded as the best Popeye animator at the studio, but I included some non-sailor scenes in this montage to break up the monotony. (Though it's one of my darkest secrets that, generally, I prefer Famous to Fleischer as far as Popeye is concerned.)
Clips used in order of appearance:
"The Anvil Chorus Girl" (1944), "Pop-Pie Ala Mode" (1945), "Moving Aweigh" (1944), "Klondike Casanova" (1946), "Philharmaniacs" (1953), "For Better or Nurse" (1945), "Rocket to Mars" (1946), "I'll Be Skiing Ya" (1947), "Sheep Shape" (1946), "Royal Four-Flusher" (1947), "Safari So Good" (1947), and "A Lamb in a Jam" (1945).